Professional laundry detergent
Professional laundry detergent Professional laundry detergent
  • Professional laundry detergent

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    Relish in freshness before delighting yourself with all your favourite aromas! Discover the new (and improved) professional detergent that relies on both baking soda, optic whitener... read more

  • 42.00 lei
  • in stoc

    Phone order: 0735 108 675

Relish in freshness before delighting yourself with all your favourite aromas! Discover the new (and improved) professional detergent that relies on both baking soda, optic whitener (bleach) and three special (and separate) enzimes and enjoy the synergy of delight you so rightfully deserve!

Relying firstly on a special blends of surfractants, substances that reach deep into every fiber, safe guarding it and removing potential stains, the professional laundry detergent also uses natural baking soda which acts as a conditioner, leaving the clothes and fabrics soft and smooth whilst also removing any potential bad smell from within then.

Using an optic whitener, in order to give back the clothes their natural white, the detergent also enhances fabrics color, so that every shade, nuance or tone can easily pop up, helping you truly shine, no matter which outfit you'll choose to wear next. The best part? The detergent uses three different natural enzymes as well, two of which, subtylisyn and amylasel, are used to remove even the most complex stains, without ever causing any harm to your fabrics.

The professional detergent prouds itself with a blend of all-natural substances that increase the washing power whilst reducing water waste, eliminating calcium and magnesium ions, often considered ”silent and unseen enemies” of any laundry routine. Fully tested (and re-re-retested), so that it'll always ”act” on its full capacity, the detergent offers you one final surprise: its active foam that acts from within, removing coffee, wine, oil or fruit stains and transforming them all but in a vague memory of the past.

Lastly, we created it without perfume, drastically reducing any risk of allergies and making it suitable even for babies clothing and attire. The lack of perfume also helps you truly better enjoy the experience of our laundry  perfumes and textile fragrances, for each and every one of us deserves to be able to ”wear” their favorite scent or aroma on every pieace of clothing. Every day.

Sunt foarte multumita, recomand cu toata increderea
Initial am ezitat sa il cumpar, crezand ca nu poate fi nimic deosebit fata de detergentii din magazine.
Ma bucur ca l-am incercat, chiar e diferit fata de alti detergenti, curata foarte bine, e foarte concentrat si e super ca il pot folosi atat la rufe albe cat si la colorate.
De curând am încercat pentru prima data detergentul profesional, mi s-a părut ca are o consistentă mult prea groasa. După ciclul de spălare a rămas o cantitate destul de mare în compartimentul pentru detergent lichid. Data viitoare o sa încerc sa îl pun în compartimentul pentru detergent praf.
Cu toate astea mi se pare ca și-a făcut treaba, chiar dacă nu s-a folosit toată cantitatea de detergent.
Sunt extrem de multumita, curata foarte bine, clar va fi recumparat. Folosesc un recipient gradat, nu am folosit mai mult de maxim 80 ml, foarte dens. Multumesc!
Delia Trasca
Spala destul de bine hainele colorate, dar nu sunt mulțumită de felul cum le spala pe cele albe
Elena P.
Am comandat acest detergent datorita recenziilor de pe site.Recunosc,nu aveam mari asteptari, pot decât sa exclam :wow!!Chiar merita fiecare banuț! Spala bine(este ca un gel mai gros)chiar si la temp.mai mici(30-40).Recomand cu mare incredere!
Alice Florea
Este cel mai bun detergent pentru haine albe si nu numai, ma bucur nespus ca l-am incercat si voi ramane la el
Arina Ionescu
Raport calitate-preț nota 10. Recomand!
Este un detergent cu un miros f plăcut !

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